The Story of Atlas

June 30, 2017

No, not THAT story of Atlas, but our snowshoe brand of course! Ever wonder how Atlas Snow-Shoe Company came to be? Some of you might know the general gist: that the product was born from a Stanford student’s engineering thesis. But what happened between then and now?

No, not THAT story of Atlas, but our snowshoe brand of course!

Ever wonder how Atlas Snow-Shoe Company came to be? Some of you might know the general gist: that the product was born from a Stanford student’s engineering thesis. But what happened between then and now?

Our creator’s alma mater put together an amazing history of the brand. You can read it’s complete version here.

What most people might not realize, that you’ll learn in the article, is that Atlas became so much more than its product. Perry Klebahn helped shape the sport by partnering with like-minded brands, funding and building out snowshoe trails, and producing how-to snowshoe guides for newbies. Fun fact: “One early fan of the sport, Ben & Jerry’s cofounder Jerry Greenfield, even lent his ice cream company’s credibility by sponsoring midnight snowshoe walks.”

We are proud to say that, although changes have been made within the company as well as its product (gotta keep up with the technology), Atlas Snow-Shoe Company will always support the community that supports us. You might see our shoes at your local Nordic center, or on the feet of runners at the US Snowshoe Association’s championship races.

It’s fun to look back at our brand’s history, but even more exciting to look ahead at all the possibilities for its future. Thank you for being Atlas fans and continuing on this journey with us!